Confronting a monster. A monster of cream, whipped.

Striking a formative debateis a precious moment belonging often to the night.
One single scratch
can ignite a tower-like match,and from this flamerod,
a blaze of a thousandopinions.


Aren’t we all just suchexperts at this tender age of twenty nothing?

Nine times out of ten thisjoust only subsequent from an illegal dosage;
we tangle ourselves tighterin the idealaweb.
Writhing closer.
I can feel your beer soakedbreath lay words upon my ear.
At first our webby wrigglingsseem in unison, yet at closer inspection,
it is clear we are both caught in verydifferent traps.
A common example of course,shared by many who gather to exercise their inna.

I neither listen nor care tothe atoms flying in my direction.
Do I choose to stop my ownincredulous flow?
No, I choose to increasetempo
and volume
to our majestic samba.
Let us dance in this web ofnothing until I forget it’s source
and find myself trappedevermore.

From the center of it’ssultry, vanilla ooze manifests the monster.
Once sweet and gorgeous.
Bound by original innocence,
now whipped into a ball ofair.
Stretched into much, muchmore
lasting only a pinch as longas before.
Raise the flame and feelanother blanket of webbing drop onto our breasts.
Dancing at our monster ball,
look around,
everyone’s finally arrived.

whipped cream.

whipped cream.

Nothing, and lots.


Creative Fields